The darker side of the truth ….
“What if you fail??? … Failure … failure…”
“You are a disgrace …. Disgrace… disgrace…”
“It’s a hopeless situation… Hopeless. Hopeless ….”
“You will lose…. Loser …”
Have you ever heard these words… or thought about it….
How many of you have been surrounded by such despondency…
Has anything like this ever haunted you in your nightmares …?
I am sure the answer would be yes….
Now the question that arises is…
How can we be positive when we don’t see things positive …?
How can we say that we are brave and fearless when we are feeling afraid … deep down inside …?
How can we say that we “don’t give up!” when we are actually on the verge of accepting defeat…
If theses are the questions that revolve around your mind…then this article is for you…
Its not evangelism or bookish philosophy…
This one is for the dreamers, who have lost the faith inside…
And have become used to the vouchsafe of the so called elite ones….
This cringe of loosing has annihilated the dreams of countless…
Here I would like to begin by quoting that being brave and courageous does not mean the absence of fear but the will and determination to overcome the fears we have inside…
No body is fearless…
No one can always remain positive…
Everyone gets disheartened…
Defeat is hard to swig…
A common wont…
And then we play the blame game…we ring out a hoarse tirade through a large pulpit….against our problems….
We behave so vulpine…
And instead of being a fecund….we are controlled by a chimera of fear febrile…
Call it juvenile…
Call it pallid….
And after all the excuses and faux pass…
We snivel…
As if asking for mercy for delinquency…
As time passes by we superannuate everything and go on a promenade or a junket…
Someone has rightly said “time is the biggest healer!”
And then we say that we are humans and we are bound to behave like this…..
Aren’t we trying to fool ourselves in the process of fooling others …
Aren’t we becoming a part of the crowd …
Sometimes we work hard….we give in our best…yet we fail…
Sometimes when we feel that the worse is over …
And the problems are about to tarry…
And everything is getting better again…
Suddenly to our stupor..
We are hit again…
By the problems and failures
They were in waylay… waiting for the right moment to strike…
We begin to squirm…
We become so testy..
We feel that it is the end of the world…
We loose hope….
We think that earlier we use to give up!
But with determination and a sedulous pursuit we tried to think positive and developed the don’t give up attitude…
Fail! Fall! Cry!
But don’t give up!
But still we are not succeeding…
Do you know why???
Let me give an example…
The mountains…
Come what may…rain…Thunder storm…They don’t collapse…
They don’t give up!
But what is the end result…
They are still standing at the same place where they were yesterday…
And if you are at the same place where you were yesterday …you are behind time ..
You don’t give up! That’s good… Sounds nice but for what….
We have to strike back with double the intensity…
We have to channelize our energy and focus.
We have to overcome our moments of despair…our failures…like a beam of laser….tearing apart anything that comes in its way…
The difference between ordinary and extra ordinary is that little “extra” ….
Remember friends the greatest people that we have heard about…
Abraham Lincoln, Lance Armstrong, Helen Keller, Thomas Alva Edison etc have gone thru heart breaking failures in there life….
Enough to sunder any common man….
There life was so vituperative at times …
But they didn’t give up….
They refused to accept defeat…
They overcame series of failures….
They overcame critics ….
They overcame against all odds…
Because they believed that life is not about winning all the battles but the war…
Thomas Alva Edison failed to make the bulb about 10,000 times …
And said that… I have learned 10,000 ways not to make a bulb…
And in the end he made the bulb…
He achieved greatness and immortality…..
They were ordinary people with extraordinary will…
The pushed the limits…
They raised the touchstones…
They were not blue blooded…
They didn’t have Aladdin’s lamp….
But they had a greater power … faith…
They were not stronger and better equipped than others….
But they knew only one thing in mind that they have to do it….
They knew that god has not made a single person ordinary…
They were prelector to the philosophy that
“ what the mind can conceive …it can achieve… “
Now most of us think that some person Mr A is too good at one thing and we can not compete with him… we don’t have a chance…
Here I would like to say friends…
Mr. A may take x time to do something…
You think you are weaker than him… that’s the weakness…
How much time would it take you to do the same thing…
Maybe 2 times … 3 times … 5 times … 10 times …. 100 times…
I don’t know if you will win or not … even after trying…
But one thing I know…
If you don’t try …your chances of success is 0 % for sure
And if you try… then maybe 50% or 10% or 1%…or even less… probability…
But you will have some probability…
If you have the will power and determination to do it than nobody can stop you… you may have to work hard … work endlessly…
But your will and determination will be the fuel to keep you burning till you achieve your goal…
Success is not just about winning … but it’s about your approach and your effort…
And even if you don’t succeed at times…people may think you have lost…
But you have won the battle inside … and you have emerged as the winner in real sense…
We may think that we deserve something… and still we are not getting it…
That’s not fair…
Yes life may not always be fair…
Sometimes we have to wrest what we deserve..
With focus and travail….
I call upon all of you to wake up from the hibernation …
I am not trying to wheedle you…
I just want to adumbrate that…
It doesn’t require you to be a prelapsarian or master rocket science to understand the fact that…
We are defeated only when we accept defeat….
The race is not over until we have won….
Challenge your fears….
Challenge yourself!
Push the limits…
Nothing is impossible…
Go get your dreams….
Are you with me???
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